DISINFO: “Toasted Cars”
DISINFO: Direct Energy Weapons caused the “Toasted Cars”
Judy Wood supporters always bring up the claim that Space Beams “Toasted” all the cars at GZ from her Directed Energy Weapon. Here is her evidence followed by my rebuttal.
“Toasted Cars”. She uses the unscientific term of “toast/toasted” over 50 times in this article.
“Toasted Cars” Miles/Blocks away from GZ. (Police car #2723)
9/11 Burning Cars Across From WTC 7
“Why were cars burning but the paper was not?” – Judy Wood
“Explain the firetruck missing its engine …” – Judy Wood
9/11 Meltdown
Here is a short paper written by Greg Jenkins that refutes the hypothesis of a DEW’s and explains the “Toasted Cars” with science.
DEW-Demolition Contrary Evidence
Richard Gage asked about Judy Wood: Conspiracy Con 2013
“So these cooling falling molten iron droplets coold easily account for the so called “toasted cars.” @5:50
Cars Were Not Burned By Energy Beams
Really Nutty 9-11 Physics (Regarding “toasted cars”)
Judy Wood “Toasted” cars DEBUNKED in HD (again)
“Partially unignited thermite, thermate, and/or nano-thermite falling through the air as it continued to react would have produced molten iron droplets. A still-reacting thermitic mixture drifting down onto the cars in the dust plumes could easily account for the singeing of their paint and even igniting the cars (since the highly exothermic thermite reaction can quickly reach temperatures exceeding 4000 °F). A reporter and a firefighter (see the last two links at the end of this article), and perhaps others, described the dust cloud as feeling hot – whereas Wood claims that the dust clouds were cool.”
It’s quite possible that a Pyroclastic flow could do that, explosions mixed with Nano Thermite produces a lot of heat.
Did the dust clouds burn everything in their path? No. Why? Because the “hot stuff” was SPREAD OUT in the dust cloud…
Here are a few witnesses of the hot debris cloud:
“When I was running, some hot stuff went down by back, because I didn’t have time to put my coat back on, and I had some — well, I guess between first and second degree burns on my back.” – Marcel Claes, FDNY Firefighter
“Then the dust cloud hits us. Then it got real hot. It felt like it was going to light up almost.” -Thomas Spinard, FDNY Engine 7
“A wave — a hot, solid, black wave of heat threw me down the block.” – David Handschuh, New York’s Daily News
“And then we’re engulfed in the smoke, which was horrendous. One thing I remember, it was hot. The smoke was hot and that scared me” – Paramedic Manuel Delgado
“I remember making it into the tunnel and it was this incredible amount of wind, debris, heat….” – Brian Fitzpatrick FDNY Firefighter
“A huge, huge blast of hot wind gusting and smoke and dust and all kinds of debris hit me” – Firefighter Louis Giaconelli
“This super-hot wind blew and it just got dark as night and you couldn’t breathe” – Firefighter Todd Heaney
The cars are going to get hit with some of this “hot stuff” as well, but it can’t “brush itself off”. You can start a car on fire with a cigarette butt!
The cars we’re burned by the debris cloud, while most of the people obviously did not let themselves get burned by tiny little ashes/or “hot stuff”
WTC Tower 2 Debris Crushes Marriott, slow motion
In this video you can clearly see the pyroclastic flow cover all of the cars.
The first photo is at the Embassy Suites parking lot. Some of these cars were most likely towed there to make access for emergency vehicles. As seen here:
Judy can’t keep her stories straight, first she claims DEW’s caused all the rusted cars but then she shows us a picture of cars burning above. So which is it? Did “Space Beams” cause the rust or cause the fires? Here is live footage of it….
911 ~ Vince Dementri CBS 2 (@ 2 minutes)
NIST FOIA: WTC7 Fires Between Approx. 3:42pm and 4:05pm (Vince DeMentri, WCBS Raw)
Dementri does say “this must have been Ground Zero where this blew up”. Suggesting that the vehicles may have been towed behind B7. He’s standing at West Broadway and Barclay.
COP CAR #2723
Judy Claims cop car #2723 was damaged like this a mile away from gz.
Cop car #2723 in two different spots. Proving it was towed!
JREF Threads about this: They came in handy here.
Cars don’t park on the side of highways, double parked! Do you see parking lines? This is the shoulder of a road. Not parking spots. The vehicles were TOWED there to make room for emergency vehicles to get to Ground zero!
Here’s video of a car being loaded onto a flatbed. @12 seocnds
9/11 Ground Zero Demolition Debris Removal Operations 9/15/2001 ITN
“What happened to the Firetrucks Engine?”
If Judy did some research on fire trucks she would know that the engine is not under the driver seat but under the middle cab. So, it’s not missing. It’s right here.
Here are more pics of “toasted” cars in the basement of the WTC. How did “Space Beams” damage these cars but not the roof or steel columns around it? Because it’s not space beams. It looks more like oxidation and high temperature corrosion to me. Perfectly normal for a car fire. Judy Wood, how did your weapon “dustify” the thick steel inside the towers but only managed to “Toast” the cars in the basement and the streets?
“Paper doesn’t burn”
As for the paper, Heat rises! The paper was also covered in dust, acting as a fire retardant. With the door handles, they are made of plastic which burns very easily. Many car parts are also made out of aluminum which has a much lower melting point than steel. In regards to the photo, the paper is not in the fire. The flame actually has to make contact with the paper.
9/11/2001: Many cars burned but papers not (@ 20 seconds)
How about these cars, did “Space Beams” cause all these cars to burn and rust?
Video of Burning and Burnt Cars from 9/11 and following days.
Burnt/Rusted cars (Google Search)
“Burnt out: Wrecked cars are seen next to a plume of black smoke in the port of Misrata yesterday”
High-rise tower catches fire in Emirati city of Sharjah
Tianjin explosions: dozens feared dead in blasts at Chinese port
Lockheed Martin’s laser can stop a truck from over a mile away
“Lasers have staggering range, can attack land or air-based targets and are dirt-cheap to fire, making them ideal for a military with one eye on the budget. Now, Lockheed Martin has worked out that the technology could also be used for stopping a car without resorting to lethal force. The company has been testing out a new fiber-optic laser, called ATHENA, which was able to burn through the engine manifold of a truck that was over a mile away.”
This is what a real D.E.W does to a vehicle. It does not turn it to dust.
The “toasted cars” were damaged by falling debris from the towers collapse and were towed to this spot to make way for emergency/rescue vehicles. As for the rust, I gave many examples of car fires above, all which show rust. Several cars were on fire even before the towers collapsed. There is nothing scientific about her theories. Judy Wood is disinformation and her “empirical evidence” is base upon speculation and assumptions which have been refuted time and time again.
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