
Jules Kroll — founder of Kroll Corporation, a “security services” company which was in charge of “security” at WTC on 9-11; has close links to CIA and is active private military contractor in Iraq; Kroll was owned by AIG. Zionist.

84) Jules Kroll

84) Jules Kroll


Also connected to Kroll and Associates:

Jerome Hauer (Managing director of Kroll, Director of Emergency Management, dual citizen, Zionist)
Maurice Greenberg (CEO of American International Group, Kroll, CFR member, Director of Federal Reserve in New York, Zionist)
Michael Cherkasky (CEO of Kroll on 9-11, CEO of insurance-firm Marsh & McClennan)


Jerome Hauer — Managing director of Kroll and senior adviser to US Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) for National Security and Emergency Management on 9-11; put John O’Neill at the WTC on 9-11; lied to Dan Rather on CBS News on 9-11 about the controlled demolition of WTC buildings; director of Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management from 1996 to 2000. Dual citizen, Zionist.

21) Jerome Hauer

21) Jerome Hauer




ICTS International, and their US subsidiary Huntleigh USA, are owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon, both Israeli. Most of the company’s employees are Israeli, and have close ties to the Mossad.

Both flights that struck the twin towers originated at Boston’s Logan Airport, while the plane that allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania departed from Newark. ICTS was responsible for security at both airports, yet the company will not release surveillance tapes that would prove the hijackers actually boarded their flights.

On December 22nd, 2001, Richard Reid attempted to create an explosion on a flight from Paris to Miami by mixing, then igniting explosives hidden in his shoes. The “shoe bomber” only managed to light a few matches before being subdued by passengers and arrested. ICTS controlled security at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, where Reid was allowed to board his flight.

On Christmas Day, 2009, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarded a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit with explosives hidden in his underwear. Umar’s makeshift bomb contained the same combination of explosives as Reid’s, and as he attempted to detonate them he too was subdued. ICTS International controlled security at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, and once again they allowed a “terrorist” to board an aircraft.
Israeli firm blasted for letting would-be plane bomber slip through

“The Israeli firm ICTS International (not to be confused with ICTS Europe, which is a different company), and two of its subsidiaries are at the crux of an international investigation in recent days, as experts try to pinpoint the reasons for the security failure that enabled Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to board Northwest flight 253 and attempt to set alight explosives hidden in his underwear.”
ICTS Airports: 9/11 Airport security all serviced by an Israeli owned company! (ICTS)
ICTS – Israeli airport security company dismissed:
“A few hours before the Patriot Act, written by Michael Chertoff, was voted on, it was edited to make “technical corrections” to allow foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11 immune to lawsuits. This would prevent American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over the missing surveillance videos from the airports.”

9/11,ICTS,WeCu,:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Promotes Dangerous Israeli ‘Security’ Fraud

(Note: ICTS was protected from litigation in the Patriot Act – Written by Chertoff.)
ICTS, Jew Chertoff, and the Christmas Day Underwear Bomber
Homeland Security’s Michael Chertoff Gets Pounded With 9/11 Questions By C-SPAN Callers
911 Dutch Treat?




Odigo was an Israeli owned company that operated an instant text messaging service. Odigo had a unique feature that allowed messages to pass through a search filter based on nationality, such as Israeli. Odigo admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of the impeding attack two hours prior to the first plane hitting the North Tower. Had this warning been passed on to authorities, thousands of lives could have been saved.
Odigo says workers were warned of attack

“Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.”

Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack

“NEW YORK — OFFICIALS at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks. Citing a pending investigation by law enforcement, the company declined to reveal the exact contents of the message or to identify the sender.”
“Odigo and the 9/11 investigation[edit]

Odigo reported that, two hours before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two of their employees who were working in an Odigo office in Herzliya Pituah, a city near Tel Aviv,[1] received a hostile English electronic instant message non-specifically threatening them that a terrorist attack would happen.[2] They did not mention this to their employer until after they heard reports of a terrorist attack in the United States on the news, after which they informed the company’s management. One of Odigo’s New York offices was then situated within a mile of the World Trade Center complex.[3] However, the threatening message did not mention the location of an attack.[4] The company took the initiative in tracking down the originating IP address of the message, giving the information to the FBI, so that the FBI could track down the Internet Service Provider, and the actual sender of the original message.[5] Using the “people-search” function, Odigo users can send anonymous messages anywhere in the world to other users, who they can find based on demographics or location. According to The Washington Post, the message declared “that some sort of attack was about to take place. The notes ended with an anti-Semitic slur. The messages said ‘something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time'”.[6]”
“Odigo Vice President of Sales and Marketing Alex Diamandis later said that the message did not identify the United States or the World Trade Center as to be involved in the event, and that “it could easily be coincidence.”[83][84]”
NOTES: The fact of the matter is we don’t know exactly how many text messages Odigo subscribers sent out to people in the towers. Haaretz confirmed at least two which begs the question….. how did these people know to send out text messages to people warning them of an event that had not yet happened?



ZIM, an Israeli company, vacated its office (10,000 square feet) in the North WTC tower (16th floor) a week before 9/11, breaking its lease. 49% of this company is owned by the Israeli government. The lease ran till the end of 2001, and the company lost $50,000 by breaking the lease. Later, FBI agent Michael Dick, who was investigating Israeli spying before and after 9/11 and looking into the suspicious move, was removed from his duties by the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, Michael Chertoff.
The Israeli Shipping Company that moved out of the WTC one week prior to 9/11





Most national security computerized systems that would have scrambled jets in the event of national emergencies such as multiple hijackings were running on Ptech software. A list of Ptech clients includes the FAA, N.A.T.O, United States Armed Forces, Congress, Dept. Of Energy, Dept. of Justice, FBI, Customs, the IRS, the Secret Service, and even the White House.

Zionist Michael S. Goff was marketing manager at Ptech and also worked for Israeli database company Guardium (Director Amit Yoran); Guardium has been funded by Cedar Fund, Veritas Venture Partners, and StageOne, all Mossad funding outfits. Under Goff, Ptech software loaded with trapdoors and Trojan Horses was sold and loaded onto the MOST sensitive computer systems that failed miserably, or performed well (depending on your view) on September 11, 2001.

“P-Tech is the one thread, the one golden thread you pull on, and all of this is unraveled. … All of this stuff took money to fund. And it was funded through major financial crimes, money laundering, and looting, looting of the S&L’s, looting of the banking system…it’s all being done systematically to keep the slush funds up for the game at play.”
FAA Govn’t Software and 17 other Federal Agencies: Ptech and Michael Goff
“In order to facilitate the computer network penetration, Mossad set up a IT consultancy and software provider named Ptech using Lebanese and Arabs as the front-man financiers and founders and keeping their Jewish American “sayan” in a secondary, but critical position.”
Mossad: RSA Security & Ptech Run US Govt Computers

9/11 Prior Knowledge Ptech – Indira Singh, Yasin Al Qadi
Ptech and the 9/11 Software

Ptech and the 9/11 Software
Former Ptech Officer Arrested for SBA Loan Fraud
Indictment Unsealed Charges Former Ptech President with Dealing in Assets of Specially Designated Global Terrorist – July 15, 2009

“BOSTON—A former resident of Somerville, Mass. who has been living in South Korea was arrested today after arriving at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York.

An indictment, originally returned on March 1, 2007, was unsealed today charging Buford George Peterson and Oussama Abdul Ziade, both former officers of Ptech, Inc., a computer software company that was principally located in Quincy, Mass., with making false statements to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in connection with a loan application in the amount of $650,000 for Ptech submitted under a program offered to assist small businesses economically harmed by the attacks of September 11, 2001.”
FBI’s role in 9/11 investigation needs investigation

“”The project included incident investigation, law enforcement, military aviation systems, highly sensitive information, especially if you wanted to exploit the FAA’s current capabilities and holes… to jam or slow down U.S. military response to a domestic hijacking, for example.”

Just the portion of the story above the waterline and already public record is shocking enough:

Briefly, Saudi “money man” Yasin al-Qadi, named by the Bush Administration as a financial backer of the al-Qaeda terrorist network, had funded a software start-up in Boston named Ptech, reported the Boston Globe over a year ago.”
PTECH, 9/11, and USA-SAUDI TERROR – Part I

“FTW: You said at the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission hearings, you mentioned – it’s on page 139 of transcript – that Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency.

Indira Singh: Yes, I have a good diagram for that.

FTW: And that relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech for 2 years prior to 9/11. You elsewhere say that the Secret Service is among the government entities that had a contract with Ptech. Mike Ruppert’s thesis in Crossing the Rubicon, as you know, is that the software that was running information between FAA & NORAD was superseded by a parallel, subsuming, version of itself that was being run by the Secret Service on state of the art parallel equipment in the PEOC with a nucleus of Secret Service personnel around Cheney. In your view, might it have been the case that Cheney was using Ptech to surveil the function of the people in FAA & NORAD who wanted to do their jobs on 9/11, and then intervene to turn off the legitimate response?”



MITRE – major defense contracting organization headed by former Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger. It has been said that Schlesinger is a devout Lutheran, but his Wikipedia profile states he was born to Russian/Austrian Jewish parents. He is undoubtedly a Zionist.

Ptech was with the MITRE corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11. Their specific job was to look at inter-operability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. Computer Software company.
Is MITRE the Trojan Horse of 9-11?

“Did a central controller with “super user” privileges of the command and control systems of the Department of Defense, NORAD, the Air Force, and the FAA, control the aerial attacks of 9-11? There is only one agency that has that capability – a little-known private company known as MITRE Corp.”

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