After Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing, many “conspiracy theorists” gave birth to the “Crisis Actor” Disinformation campaign.
Why there were no ‘actors’ at the Boston Marathon bombings
There are people that claim Jeff Bauman is an amputee crisis actor Nick Vogt.
DISINFO PHOTO #1 NICK VOGT (Wheelchair Victim)
The victim in the photo at the marathon is a peace activist named Jeff Bauman Jr. The war veteran that people are claiming is the victim is named Lt. Nicholas Vogt.
The Photo of the victim in the wheelchair is not NICK VOGT!!! It’s Jeff Bauman Jr. He is not an Iraqi Veteran!
Let me point out some obvious inconsistencies in this…
Have a look at Lt. Nicholas Vogt’s legs in a wheelchair he lost them both completely. And then look at the poor victim of the Boston Marathon, Jeff Bauman Jr, who still has half his leg below the knee.
This is his father.
“Jeff Bauman
10 hours ago near Concord, NH
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, they did help greatly. Unfortunately my son was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had to have both lower limbs removed due to the extensive vascular and bone damage. I was with him last night and am heading back down to Boston – Boston Medical Center to be with him today. He went back into surgery last night at midnight for exploratory due to fluid in his abdomen. He came out at 2:30 and doctors informed us he was doing better. Thanks again to all you guys and girls, my friends. I’ll keep you informed. Jeff B”
Jeff Bauman Jr., Injured Man In Associated Press Photo, Got Both Legs Amputated: Dad (PHOTO)
Here is Jeff’s Brother Chris Bauman
Jeff Bauman before Boston
Jeff Bauman after Boston
Here is a video of the real Nick Vogt doing a pushup. If you notice he is also missing a pinky finger on his left hand.
The (Modified) Push-Up
Lt. Nick Vogt, Double Amputee Soldier Who Battled Death, Makes Incredible Recovery (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Crisis actor DEBUNKED (Jeff Bauman vs Nick Vogt)
Nick Vogt is not Jeff Bauman and the people that believe and spread this nonsense should have their heads re examined. The bombs were real, the victims were real. Anyone who says otherwise is either a disinfo agent or lack any means of critical thinking.
I’m beginning to think that the same people who stirrup prior conspiracy theories over prior tragic incidences are the same ones spreading these theories.
Why would they do this?
It’s really simple actually the more “crazy conspiracy theories” there are out there, the more attention it takes away from the real conspiracy theories. So folks try not to be an idiot and spread misinformation.
Boston Marathon – Fake Blood, Actors?
CRISIS ACTORS – Bullshit Busted #1
DISINFO: Boston.com reported a drill before the bombing happened
“Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.”
The first explosion was at 2:50pm. The second explosion was 12 seconds later. The time listed is (PDT). So in reality this tweet was posted by Boston.com at 3:53 EST. One hour after the bombing had already happened. The difference between EST and PDT is 3 hours. Twitter uses PDT timezone.
DISINFO CLAIM: Boston Bombing Facebook page was created the 2 days before the bombing.
Boston Bombing Conspiracy Theory Bullcrap (MARK DICE)
Facebook pages can be renamed. Debunked.
“The Craft” agents were “The Massachusetts team was on duty during the running of the Boston marathon, augmented by similar civil support teams from the New York and Rhode Island National Guards.” According to this article from the Air National Guard site: http://www.ang.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123344967
With the very first picture shown, there are people saying that it was the guy w/ the “Craft” hat on who left his black backpack there containing the bomb. Again, many of these photos shown are not time stamped so if you do not take them in context, it will paint a different picture.
As you can see, this is clearly after the blast has happened therefore we can put that rumor to rest as well.
These men were National Guard CST (Civilian Support Team) on the ground with the event. How do we know this? There are certain things we can find when looking online.
According to this article from the Air National Guard site: http://www.ang.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123344967
“The Massachusetts team was on duty during the running of the Boston marathon, augmented by similar civil support teams from the New York and Rhode Island National Guards.”
So it would appear that the CST team on duty during the explosion was the Massachusetts Army National Guard’s 1st Civil Support Team, augmented by New York’s 24th CST and Rhode Island’s 13th CST
They are the New York Army National Guard’s 24th Civil Support Team. Massachusetts Army National Guard’s 1st Civil Support Team, augmented by New York’s 24th CST and Rhode Island’s 13th CST.
“A Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team (WMD-CST or CST) advises civilian responders in the event of a suspected weapon of mass destruction attack. CSTs are federally funded National Guard units established under Presidential Decision Directive 39. There are 57 fulltime teams: one in every U.S. state, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the US Virgin Islands, and an additional team each in California, Florida and New York.”
Here are more photos of them: www.imgur.com/a/YrTOK
These are “Agents” Running somewhere after the bomb blast.
Well if I was an agent or some type of law enforcement officer 5 minutes after a bomb blast. I doubt I would be sitting on my arse doing nothing. I’m pretty sure I would have somewhere to go and something to do.
Time Magazine reported:
Over the years, the Boston Marathon has undergone numerous security overhauls. TIME writer Katy Steinmetz reports: Under heightened security in 2002, 600 police officers joined the runners. There were also an unprecedented 1,500 state and local police patrolling the route and another 1,500 security guards. There were 415 National Guard troops on hand. Helicopters, bomb-sniffing dogs, hazmat teams and radiation detectors were added. Boston Globe compared to security used for the Olympics and Super Bowl. According to the Mass. National Guard website, more than 400 troops were involved in 2013, too. From the release: Pfc. Matthew S. Knowlton, a military policeman with the 747 Military Police Company, was one Soldier assigned to help out at the starting line. Describing the scene Knowlton said, “This is a very positive setting, I’m just happy to be here. There are a lot of people here but it’s a great crowd.”
Infowars’ Boston Bombing Suspects Identified & Cleared
Boston Bombing Conspiracy Disinfo Exposed with Facts and Evidence
DISINO: Family Guy Predicted Boston attacks
This clip was another hoax accomplished through digital manipulation:
One of the more tasteless hoaxes making the rounds in the wake of the bombing at the Boston Marathon revolves around a recent episode of Fox’s Family Guy.
In the episode, called Turban Cowboy, main character Peter Griffin is seen crashing into runner in a car in order to win the race.
When asked by sports announcer Bob Costas about his performance he says: “I’ll tell ya, Bob, I just got in my car and drove it,” Griffin says. “And when there was a guy in my way, I killed him.”
Later in the show in an unconnected incident he is seen befriending a terrorist who is plotting to blow up a bridge. The terrorist gives Griffin a mobile phone, which he uses to accidentally detonate the bomb.
Fox spokeswoman Gaude Paez said the episode, which was broadcast on TV in the US last month, has been removed from Fox.com and Hulu.com.
Fox moved to pull the episode after an internet mash-up of the two scenes from the show appeared online on Tuesday which made it look as if the explosions happened at the marathon.
Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, said on Tuesday that the hoax clip currently circulating is “abhorrent”.
“The edited Family Guy clip currently circulating is abhorrent,” he tweeted. “The event was a crime and a tragedy, and my thoughts are with the victims.”
Paez said that Fox officials were working with YouTube to take down the edited clips.
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