Hijackers could not fly a Cessna
There are numerous reports from mainstream sources that claim the instructors at the flight schools testified that these men could not fly a Cessna, let alone a Boeing 757/767. There were even reports that the alleged hijackers trained on US Military bases. Let’s look at the evidence.
The 9/11 Hijackers: Amateur Aviators Who Became Super-Pilots on September 11
“They reported him not because they feared he was a terrorist, but because his English and flying skills were so bad, they told the Associated Press, they didn’t think he should keep his pilot’s license.”
“I couldn’t believe he had a commercial license of any kind with the skills that he had,” said Peggy Chevrette, the manager for the now-defunct JetTech flight school in Phoenix.”
“…his flying skills were so bad…they didn’t think he should keep his pilot’s license.”
“I’m still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon…He could not fly at all.”
“My first reaction was horrible, how the terrorists can do that, they could not do it alone; a jumbo jet cannot be handled by a lonely suicide bomber-like kamikaze.” – Soldiers to the Rescue/Responding in the Pentagon
“that the ‘hijackers’ only wanted to learn how to steer planes, not how to take off and land.”
“…during the second week of August, they found he had trouble controlling and landing the single-engine Cessna 172. Even though Hanjour showed a federal pilot’s license … chief flight instructor…declined to rent him a plane…” – Newsday
‘Saudi prince paid for 9/11 pilots to learn to fly’
“Zacarias Moussaoui, 46, says an unnamed Saudi Prince paid for flying lessons for him and the 19 terrorists who hijacked planes in the September 11 attacks in the run-up to the atrocities.”
Expert: Hijackers likely skilled with fake IDs
“FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week’s terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been “relatively easy” based on their level of sophistication.”
9/11 Flight School Instructor: Neither He Nor Alleged Hijackers Could Fly Those Planes
Bowie Flight School Recalls Training 9/11 Hijacker
Flight trainer flunked 2 9/11 hijackers
“You were the flight instructor who trained, and then flunked out, two of the 9/11 hijackers. It’s a role Garza has come to terms with in the 13 years since the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. His six lessons with hijackers Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf Alhazmi….”
A Trainee Noted for Incompetence
These “high jackers” allegedly trained on military bases: Red Herring in my opinion.
Sept 15-16, 2001: Several of the 9/11 hijackers, including lead hijacker Mohamed Atta, may have had training at secure US military installations. [Newsweek, 9/15/01, Washington Post, 9/16/01, New York Times, 9/15/01, more]
9/11 “Hijackers” Trained on U.S. Military Bases
•Saeed Alghamdi (United Airlines 93)
•Ahmed Alnami (United Airlines 93)
•Ahmed Alghamdi (United Airlines 175)
•Hamza Alghamdi (United Airlines 175)
•Mohamed Atta (American Airlines 11)
•Abdulaziz Alomari (American Airlines 11)
9/11 Hijackers Trained at U.S. Military Bases
Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained at U.S. Bases
The Pentagon has turned over military records on five men to the FBI
AFTER THE ATTACKS: THE SUSPECTS; F.B.I. Documents Detail the Movements of 19 Men Believed to Be Hijackers
Reconstructing the hijackers’ last days
Unusual leads surface; links to bin Laden found
“As the investigation gathered strength Saturday, unusual leads began to surface, among them the possibility that some of the hijackers may have received training at Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida or other U.S. military facilities.”
Pensacola NAS link faces more scrutiny
Senator seeks answers on hijackers ties to Navy base
“As many as four of 19 suspected hijackers may have participated during the 1990s in the base’s flight training program for foreign military trainees, according to reports in The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine.”
U.S. Military trained 9/11 Hijackers?
9/11 Hijackers Trained at U.S. Military Bases
GJ man met 9/11 hijacker in flight school (Atta)
Flight School Head Admits Neither He Nor 9/11 Hijackers Could Fly 9/11 Planes
Not only were they trained on Military bases but they were also living right next to the NSA.
“NSA expert James Bamford later states, “The terrorist cell that eventually took over the airliner that crashed into the Pentagon ended up living, working, planning and developing all their activities in Laurel, Maryland, which happens to be the home of the NSA. So they were actually living alongside NSA employees as they were plotting all these things.” [Washington Post, 9/19/2001; Radio 4 ‘Today’, 6/21/2002]”
Hijackers trained by US military?
Phoenix Memo
“The Phoenix memo is a letter sent to FBI headquarters on July 10, 2001 by FBI special agent Kenneth Williams recommending the assembling of a worldwide listing of civil aviation schools.[1] Williams, then stationed in Phoenix, Arizona, was at the time investigating students at some of these schools for possible terrorist links.”
July 10, 2001 – FBI agent Kenneth Williams urges the bureau’s headquarters in his “Phoenix memo” to investigate Middle Eastern men enrolled in American flight schools who are supporters of Osama bin Laden, suggesting the schools could be used for terror operations.
Moussaoui and the Phoenix Memo
CBS – The Phoenix Memo
CBS – Senator cut off in the middle of 9/11 prior knowledge discussion
On This Day in History 2001: The Phoenix Memo
The Phoenix Memo and Related Investigations
“MN00508.1 NWA 747-400 Manual Volume I [The entire 400-page document was admitted into evidence. Only the cover is reproduced here.]
MN00508.2 NWA 747-400 Manual Volume II [The entire 1,000-page document was admitted into evidence. Only the cover is reproduced here.]
MN00509 747-400 Cockpit Operating Manual [See next exhibit for a photograph of this object]”
If you knew you were going to be highjacking 757’s or a 767’s….. would you buy a manual for a 747?
Looking at the evidence and the maneuvers that these Amateur pilots pulled off, the question to ask is how did they do it? The simple answer is they didn’t. Since there is no hard evidence that the hijackers boarded any of the 4 flights from that day, let alone crash them into 3 targets.
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